Molar Mass and Moles

Table of Contents

1. Molar Mass and Moles

1.1. Definitions

1.1.1. Definition of Avogardo's Number

The size of a mole, or \(6.022149e+23\) or \((6.02\times10^{23})\)

1.1.2. Definition of Mole

A standard unit in chemistry for measuring large amounts of very small entities like atoms, molecules, and etc. NOTE: Mole is equivelant to the atomic mass of the molecule/compound.

\[ 1 Mole = (6.022\times10^{23})\]

1.1.3. Standard value of Molar Mass

\(\frac{g}{mol}\) or gram per mole

1.2. Formula

To setup the equation, make 4 boxes, of which only the bottom-left box will be unused.

  • The top-left box is the given atoms.
  • The top-right box is usually assumed to be 1 as long as known.
  • The bottom-right box is Avogardo's Number or the size of the mole.
| Given | Need         |
|       | Given (Unit) |
|       |              |

Example setup:

| 9.25*10^{58} |            1 |
|              | 6.02*10^{23} |

Then after setting the equaton up, solve as per the following formula:

\begin{equation} \frac{(GIVEN)\times(NEED)}{(GIVEN_{UNIT})} \end{equation}
  1. Finding grams from moles
    • The Given (Unit) is the given unit, of which is 1,
    • The Need is the molar mass of the element,
    • The Given is the given mol of the element
  2. Finding moles from grams
    • The Given (Unit) is the given unit, of which is atomic mass of the element,
    • The Need is the molar mass of the element,
    • The Given is the given mol of the element

1.2.1. Examples

  1. How many moles are in \(7.8\times10^{23}\) molecules of water?

    \begin{equation} \frac{((7.8\times10^{23})\times1)}{(6.02\times10^{23})} \end{equation}
    • Answer: \(1.29 Moles\)
  2. How many molecules are in 3.0 moles of sugar?

    \begin{equation} \frac{(3\times(6.02\times10^{23}))}{1} \end{equation}
    • Answer: $18×1025

Author: Troy Dwijanto

Created: 2022-01-11 Tue 12:02
