PH Calculations

Table of Contents

1. PH Calculations

1.1. PH Scale \([H+]\)

The PH Scale is determined in terms of \([H+]\)

Acids are in-between \([H+] = [1 \times 10^{1}]\) and \([H+] = [1 \times 10^{7}]\).

Alkalines are in-between \([H+] = [1 \times 10^{7}]\) and \([H+] = [1 \times 10^{14}]\)

Neutral is at \([H+] = [1 \times 10^{7}]\)

1.2. Determine pH by \([H_{3}O+]\)

Info taken from UTT Instructure

  • Formula: \(pH = -log[H_{3}O+]\)
  • Example:
    1. If Morality of Hydrogen Chloride is \(0.0025M\). Assume HCI is a strong acid and is 100% ionized in water.
      • \(pH = -log(0.0025) = -(-2.60) = 2.60\)
    2. If Morality of Hydrogen Chloride is \(3.467 \times 10^{-4}\). Assume HCI is a strong acid and is 100% ionized in water.
      • \(pH = -log(3.467 \times 10^{-4}) = -(-3.46) = 3.46\)

1.3. Determine pOH by \([OH-]\)

Info taken from UTT Instructure

  • Formula: \(pOH = -log[OH-]\)

1.4. Convert pOH to pH and vice-versa

  • Formula: \(14 = pOH + pH\)

Author: Troy Dwijanto

Created: 2022-04-18 Mon 12:50
